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Georgina Canyon

is located 2 km south east of Mount Dawson. On its eastern end, it appears as a thin black line from aerial photographs. In one place, it is so small, you can step over it as it is less than 50 cm wide. Some four metres below that point, the canyon bellows out into a Fern-filled cavernous void complete with limpid pools that looked very cold. This canyon is in two distinct sections. The first of about 200 m is tight, mysterious and flanked by pagodas, the second section is much broader, extends for maybe a further 300 m and discharges over the cliff edge. Named by Brian Fox, Michael Keats and Yuri Bolotin on a Bush Club walk 30th August 2016. Georgina Lyon Wolgan Walker (1843-1906) had married Edwin Barton in 1865. Edwin and Georgina’s father were the earliest property owners in the Wolgan Valley.

  • Ben Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 388 223 eastern end
Wollemi National Park
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 - Georgina Canyon

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