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Koan Cave
is a significant cave, being 25 m across the mouth, 20 m high and 20 m deep. Located on the eastern cliff line above Carne Creek 1.5 km north west of Deanes Siding. Access is either via Koan Pass or The Gurgler. This overhang features an irregular band of creamy white flowering Epacris crassifolia up to 50 cm high around much of the back wall. When on a bushwalk of the 3 November 2014 a name was being decided for this cave, it was unanimous by the bushwalking group to celebrate with the leader on the day, Yuri Bolotin, whose grandson, Koan Bolotin, was born 48 hours previously. This cave is an inspirational and contemplative place, so Koan (means a story or dialogue) is absolutely perfect.
  • Cullen Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 414 146
Gardens of Stone National Park
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 - Koan Cave

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