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Pink Spider Flower

The Gardens of Stone

Book 6

By Michael Keats OAM and Brian Fox

Publisher: Keats Holdings Pty Ltd

Released: March 2015

Pages: 676

Price: $66

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List of Walks

Walk Page
01   The Temples of Doom 252
02   Last Crusade Point and Holy Grail Ravine 262
03   Indiana Gorge and Indiana Slot 274
04   Spanish Steps to the Wolgan Falls 288
05   Wolgan Falls 298
06   Cliff Lines above the Wolgan River 308
07   Cape Pinnacle 320
08   Rockflower Ridge and Creek 330
09   Sunnyside Cliffs and Bushrangers Creek 340
10   Sunnyside Canyon and Ravines 350
11   Flat Bottom Creek 358
12   Donkey View Pass 371
13   Sunnyside Gully 379
14   Sunnyside Point and Wolgan Pinnacle 389
15   Western side of Endorphin Gully 398
16   Endorphin Slot and Gully 408
17   Infinity Caves 420
18   Adrenalin Gorges 431
19   Adrenalin Ledge Traverse 442
20   Eastern side of Adrenalin Creek 452
21   Adrenalin and Thom Slots, plus Pleasant View Canyon 464
22   Zorro Canyon, Rapier and Bullwhip Slots 478
23   Pyramid Pass to Zorro Pass 492
24   Window in the Sky Ravine and Striolata Ravine 502
25   Sinusoidal Ravine and cliffs above Carne Creek 516
26   Birds Rock Creek 526
27   Carne Creek and Glory Box 538
28   Silkpod Point and Silkpod Gorge 550
29   Wild Gorge and Pinch Point Circle 564
30   Convolution Creek and Tagine Point 576
31   Gang Gang Creek and Canyon 588
32   Gang Gang Playground 602
33   Devils Throuat and the cliffs of East Creek 612
34   Caves of Carne Creek and Pyramid Rocks 624