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Bruce Alfred Elder

The Mates Plaque

Splendour Rock

A Bushwalkers War Memorial

By Keith Maxwell and Michael Keats OAM

Publisher: Design Portfolio Pty Ltd

Released: February 2023

Pages: 380

Price: $66

Free Delivery - Australia Wide


This intensely human book chronicles the story of Splendour Rock and associated memorials.

Splendour Rock is a special place not only of outstanding natural scenic wonder, but it is also a shrine to bushwalkers who lost their lives in WWII.

In 1948, Bushwalking NSW installed a simple bronze plaque. Each year on ANZAC Day a dawn service is held, which is like no other, and for many it can become an epiphany experience.

Thirteen bushwalkers are specifically remembered in the book, each with their known bushwalking and service history recorded. The full list of bushwalkers who served is also included.

Splendour Rock has attracted other private memorials, including a plaque to ‘MATES’ of the 2/17th Battalion. The authors have diligently researched and recorded the known history of each.

In addition, there are stories related to Splendour Rock that fit well in this chronicled account.

Ideally, every bushwalker should try to visit Splendour Rock at least once. If that is not possible, then this book is the next best thing.