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Bush Explorers Encyclopaedia

Benbys Pinch *

Is a steep section of the old road way on the south side of the Wolgan River about 1km east of the Village of Newnes. Earliest map reference, Surveyor Edgar Harris on his survey of Wolgan River, October 1890. Ref: Survey Plan Misc. 111. Oe. R. One possible origin of the name is in recognition of William Benby. He arrived in Sydney from Brisbane on the steam ship Governor Blackall on 2nd June 1882. Another plausible suggestion is that the name was originally spelt incorrectly and that instead of Benbys it should have been Bendys Pinch as this pinch of land (tight constriction) is located where the Wolgan River takes a right hand turn from generally flowing south to north to west to east. This common descriptive name also fits with the common generic name of the named pinch further downstream, Devils Pinch.

  • Ben Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 433 259
Wollemi National Park
Related Names:

Bungleboori Pool