Are twelve, pagoda studded spurs trending approximately north, north east from the main creek system of Sawyers Swamp towards the Beecroft Firetrail. Named by Michael Keats on a Bush Club walk, 14th September 2011. No. 1 GR 308 025; No. 2 GR 312 027; No. 3 GR 313 024; No. 4 GR 317 023; No. 5 GR 319 020; No. 6 GR 322 018; No. 7 GR 324 017, No. 8 GR 326 017; No. 9 GR 327 014; No. 10 GR 331013; No. 11 GR 334 012; No. 12 GR 336 012. A clerestory is the upper part of the nave of a Gothic church or other building with windows above the aisle roofs.The pagodas measure up in every way to such a title, as they include numerous perforations or windows.