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Glen Day Defile

is located on one of the western tributaries of Glen Day Gully 2 km south, south west of Newnes. Midway along the gully, when descending, you enter a shallow constriction, which quickly becomes deeper and deeper. In a few more minutes, after carefully negotiating a 2.5 m drop, you enter a small, very dry canyon, with deeply eroded walls, only about half a metre apart, covered in green moss. A couple of metres later, the walls, now over 20 m high, open up to a magnificent overhang on the right-hand side, some 30 m long and 6-7m deep. Here, the ‘room’ is sufficient to accommodate several Coachwood and Sassafras trees. The canyon continues until the second overhang of equal size to the first one, is reached. The constriction is about 250 m long. Named by Yuri Bolotin and Brian Fox on a bushwalk of 27 September 2019.

  • Ben Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 402 253 to 404 253
Wollemi National Park
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 - Glen Day Defile

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