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Place That Time Forgot

Refers to a defile oriented north south between Little Rock Island and Rock Island. It is filled with ancient Tree Ferns and fallen logs. What light does get through has to compete with a dense canopy of Coachwood and Sassafras. The sandstone walls are a rose pink, the air cool and the ambience church like. Within this defile is a semicircular embrasure, maybe 6m high, and equally as wide and deep, with a centrally disposed, very fine dripping water source. This mineral rich water has built a magnificent dark red stalagmite about 50cm high. It has a small depression in the top and is in active growth phase. All around the skirt of this single feature is red flowstone. Name coined by Brian Fox and Michael Keats on a Bush Club walk, 20th October 2011.

  • Ben Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 436 179
Wollemi National Park
Related Names:
  • GOS3.17: Rock Island
 - Place That Time Forgot
 - Place That Time Forgot

Bungleboori Pool