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The Gardens of Stone

Book 9

By Michael Keats OAM, Brian Fox and Yuri Bolotin

Publisher: Design Portfolio Pty Ltd

Released: November 2023

Pages: 668

Price: $66

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List of Walks

Walk Page
01   Canobla Creek to Spot Height 958 metres on the Wolgan-Capertee Divide 182
02   Inca Pathway from Glen Davis 198
03   Glen Trig from Glen Davis 214
04   Blue Rocks to Point Cameron returning via Hughes Defile 230
05   Mount McLean to Firebird Rocks 246
06   Wolgan Trig and Mount Davidson 262
07   Pagoda Road 278
08   McLeans Pass to Jamison Pass 294
09   Point Nicholson to Point Anderson via Red Rocks 310
10   Ravines and Slots South of Glowworm Tunnel, plus Nobles Canyon 326
11   Dante Slot to Delusional Pass via te Divine Descent 346
12   Delusional Pass to Deception Canyon and Wild Slots 362
13   East Creek Galleries 376
14   East Creek Glories 390
15   Devils Throat Top and Bottom 406
16   Hughes Defile and Alcatraz 422
17   Western Branch of Henry Creek 436
18   Gang Gang Tunnels and Falls 450
19   Hero pass and Hero Point 468
20   Edmund Falls and Eastern Cliffs of Carne Creek 482
21   Flying Carpet, Koan Cave and Sentinel Pass 498
22   Flying Carpet to Michelangelo Cave via Koan Pass 514
23   Wolgan Loops and Point Green 530
24   Witches Watch, Hecates Cauldron and Tara Point 546
25   Pagodas and Cliffs Around Gardiners Gap 562
26   Thom's (Sunnyside) Route Option, Wolgan Valley Railway 578
27   Joseph Nimmo's Steam Sawmill 594
28   Wilde Gorge and Cosmic Cave 606
29   Cracks of Doom 624
30   Lower Coorongooba Creek Exploration 638