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Michelangelo Cave

Also see Gemini Cave which is located below the main cliff line, 200m north of the western end of Firetrail No. 7 via Glowworm Tunnel Road. It is a large overhang separated by a natural buttress, forming two distinct chambers. Dimensionally, these hollows are as follows: the smaller one is 3m wide, 10m high and 11m deep with a 40 degree climbable entry slope; the larger one is 17m wide, 20m high and 20m deep with a 45 degree climbable entry slope. Named by Michael Keats on a Bush Club walk on 16th January 2012."The ceilings, again an inadequate word, are works of art, being a palette of colours with the embedded tracery of complex, three dimensional ironstone banding. As works of art, they rival the Sistine Chapel and the work of Michelangelo."

  • Cullen Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 415 130
Gardens of Stone National Park
Related Names:
  • GOS3.07: A natural tribute to Michelangelo
  • GOS6.23: Pyramid Pass to Zorro Pass
  • GOS6.34: Caves of Carne Creek and Pyramid Rocks
 - Michelangelo Cave

Pagoda Rock Formations