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Zobels Gully *

is about 1.2km long and flows into Wolgan River approximately 3km south, south east of Newnes. Its upper reaches flow through part of Constance Gorge. A northern tributary of Zobels Gully is also 1.2km in length. At the saddle of this tributary is a cairn which is a reminder to bushwalkers that this is the main walking access from the western end of Island Mountain to the Wolgan River and Newnes. Zobels Gully North GR 442 243 to 439 234. Martin Francis Zobel (1861-1935) married Sarah Jane Simpson (1876-1961) in 1899. They lived at Sunny Corner (near Bathurst), Mount Victoria, and Newnes, and later in life moved to Ashfield (Sydney). Martin was a geologist and miner. The Certificate of Title records his purchase of Lot 22, Section 33 within the Village of Newnes in 1909. This title records his occupation as Mine Manager. Lot 21 was purchased in his wife's name. One of the unformed roads in village of Newnes was named Zobel Street. Plan of Portion 2, Mineral Lease 12, Parish of Glen Alice and Gindantherie, records, "Martin Zobel, Agent for Commonwealth Oil Corporation Ltd 12th July 1907." Ref: NSW BDMs. Rego. No. 9008/1899. Vol. 2118; Fol. 211. Funeral Notice, SMH, 4th April 1935, p. 9.

  • Ben Bullen and Mount Morgan
Grid Reference:
  • 441 224 headwaters
  • 433 235 junction
Wollemi National Park
Related Names:
  • GOS2.11: Mystery Mountain
  • GOS2.12: The Wolgan Valley from Glowworm Tunnel to Newnes
  • GOS2.13: Newnes - Wolgan River - Zobels Gully Triangle
  • GOS2.14: The Cliffs of Mars
  • GOS2.15: The Pentafid on Deanes Creek
  • GOS2.17: Constance Point
  • GOS2.25: Island Mountain Traverse
 - Zobels Gully

Airly Forest