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Bush Explorers Encyclopaedia

Constance Gorge

Refers to the narrow cliff lined ravine that extends from near the saddle at the top of Zobels Gully and down the southern side towards Deanes Creek. A perennial stream runs through it. The Sydney Morning Herald, 10thJanuary 1906, p. 7, Proposed Tramway Route, depicts Constance Gorge as "the scenery is described as magnificent, so that with the construction of the line a new centre of attraction will be opened for the tourist." Carne, J E. Field Book, State Records, 2/663, 11th January 1906, p. 75 records, thin chocolate band (shale) in Constance Gorge and a diagram of bridge across it. Constance Gorge was first shown on the Survey Plan, Tramway from Wolgan to Clarence. M12435. Surveyed by John Haydon Cardew, Licensed Surveyor 13th December 1905.The most likely origin of the name is from Constance Caroline Mary (c1872-1932), who was the wife of Donald Sutherland, Consulting Engineer and General Manager of The Commonwealth Oil Corporation Ltd mine and refinery at Newnes in 1906 at the time when the Wolgan Valley Railway was being constructed. Constance Caroline Mary's name, Constance was also the name given to the Wolgan Valley Railway Shay Locomotive No. 1.

  • Mount Morgan
Grid Reference:
  • 443 215
Wollemi National Park
Related Names:
  • GOS2.11: Mystery Mountain
  • GOS2.13: Newnes - Wolgan River - Zobels Gully Triangle
  • GOS2.14: The Cliffs of Mars
  • GOS2.15: The Pentafid on Deanes Creek
  • GOS2.16: An unnamed tributary of Deanes Creek
  • GOS2.17: Constance Point
  • GOS2.25: Island Mountain Traverse
  • GOS3.20: Unnamed tributary of Deanes Creek
 - Constance Gorge

Dry Canyon in the Gardens of Stone