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Bush Explorers Encyclopaedia

Peak Harvey

Is located 950m south west of Mount Harvey and 2.7km north east of Hughes Defile within the Gardens of Stone National Park, at an elevation of 970m. So named on a memorial walk to Peter (Pete) Kristen Harvey (1982–2013) by the Sydney University Bushwalkers, 11-12 May 2013. Part of their track notes record, “In the morning we struck out early for Mt Harvey but due to the large group size, pathological pagodas, and a misplaced scrambling rope, wemade it only so far as the large rock structure…This is a sublime spot with magnificent views not only of Mt Harvey, but of the Red Rocks, the Crown, Tayan Pic and the Capertee to the north. We held a quick group discussion and unanimously decreed the point as Peak Harvey, named after the man whom we chased up so many a peak. We installed a logbook and shared a terrible sombre too-early farewell to our dear friend, in a beautiful beautiful part of the world”. Peter had served the club in many roles including a term as president.

  • Ben Bullen
Grid Reference:
  • 346 231
Gardens of Stone National Park
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 - Peak Harvey

Dry Canyon in the Gardens of Stone