Is a watercourse about 19.5km long. It rises 2.5km north, north west of the Bungleboori Camping Ground and flows generally north into the Wolgan River. Carne Creek and the Wolgan River join at the northern edge of the Cullen Bullen Topo Map. Previously these two major drainage patterns were known as the Eastern and Western Branches of the Wolgan River. The Eastern Branch was officially renamed Carne Creek, 1970. Ref: GNB notes, 5th March 1970. It was first named Carne Creek in 1965 by Myles Dunphy. Joseph Edmund Carne (1855-1922), geologist. His major works are The Kerosene Shale Deposits of New South Wales, 1903, Geology and Mineral Resources of the Western Coal Field, 1908 and, with L. J. Jones, the classic Limestone Deposits of New South Wales, 1919. In all Carne's writings and maps, he combined clarity with meticulous scholarship. Carne carried out careful investigation of the Wolgan Valley and its environs, including the Newnes oil shale field. Carne Creek runs roughly parallel to the old Wolgan Valley Railway line constructed to the shale oil field.