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Bush Club Leaders released

- Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Michael is pleased to announce that with the approval of the Bush Club Committee, and in recognition the Bush Club’s 75th year of continuous operation, copies of his new book, “Bush Club Leaders” is now available. The book is a collection of in depth interviews with leaders past and present who have contributed to the dynamic and vibrant club we enjoy in 2014. At 226 pages, in B5 format it is a ‘must have’ for all who know and love our walking club. Stephen Murray a long serving club member and graphic artist has created memorable black and white sketches of each leader. You can secure your copy by contacting Michael at or by coming on a walk with me. Copies will be available until sold out. Copies are $30.00 each plus postage $8.60 if applicable.
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How Places get their Name

- Monday, January 20, 2014
Bushwalking Blogger, Caro Ryan interviews Brian Fox in her interesting article 'How Places get their Name' Caro's Lotsafreshair Blog has tons of extremely useful information and videos - well worth a look around.
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Dry Canyon in the Gardens of Stone